English Publications

Name Downloads Version
Name Downloads Version
2024 The Happy Life and Works of Ruut Veenhoven Ad Bergsma Social Indicators Research1.pdf
2 downloads 1.0
2025 Ruut Veenhoven (1942-2024) the secret of a happy and productive life Ad Bergsma et al Applied Quality of Life Research.pdf
1 downloads 1.0
12 downloads 1.0
2022 How Biden should reach out the the Russian population Veenhoven and Bergsma The Independent 30 March.pdf
249 downloads 1.3
2022 Will-Happiness-Trainings-Make-Us-Happier-An-Updated-Research-Synthesis-Using-an-Online-Findings-Archive Bergsma Buijt and Veenhoven book chapter.pdf
292 downloads 1.0
2022 As happiness researchers we urge President Putin to end this war Veenhoven and Bergsma The Independent 30 march.pdf
232 downloads 1.0
2021 Pursuing Happiness on the Road Less Travelled Ad Bergsma book chapter Springer.pdf
242 downloads 1.0
2021 Self-managing physical and mental health Bolscher Uitdehaag Bergsma en Francke Health and Social Care in the Community 00 1–9.pdf
322 downloads 1.0
2021 I Hope to Grow Old Faithfully Ad Bergsma 3rd Act Magazine summer issue.pdf
320 downloads 1.1
2020 The diminishing effects of happiness training Ad Bergsma Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy.pdf
407 downloads 1.2
2021 Are people with mild dementia able to relearn how to use technology a literature review Yvonnen Kerkhof Ad Bergsma et al. International Psychogeriatrics 15 March.pdf
428 downloads 1.0
2021 Positive Organizational Interventions Contemporary theory applications and approaches Van Zyl et al Frontiers in Psychology.pdf
824 downloads 1.0
2020 Will Happiness-trainings make us happier. Bergsma Buijt and Veenhoven Frontiers in Psychology..pdf
901 downloads 1.2
2011 The Loreley of Happiness Ad Bergsma. Applied Quality of Life Research online since 7 January.pdf
663 downloads 1.1
2011 The happiness of people with a mental disorder in modern society Bergsma and Veenhoven. Psychology of Well-Being; Theory Research & Practice 1(2).pdf
593 downloads 1.1
2011 The loss of happy life years associated with mental disorders Bergsma Veenhoven Ten Have De Graaf Netherlands Journal of Psychology 66(1) 33-34 final.pdf
685 downloads 1.1
647 downloads 1.1
2010 Psychology’s footnotes to Aristotle. Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies. 11(5) 659-661.pdf
681 downloads 1.1
2010 The Imelda Marcos of green consumerism Ad Bergsma PsycQritiques 55 52.pdf
592 downloads 1.1
2008 Happiness in the garden of Epicurus Bergsma Poot and Liefbroer Journal of Happiness Studies 9 397–4231.pdf
2248 downloads 1.1
2011 Most people with mental disorders are happy Bergsma Ten Have Veenhoven and De Graaf The Journal of Positive Psychology 6(4) 253-259.pdf
813 downloads 1.1
2011 Imperfectly happy Ad Bergsma Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit1.pdf
851 downloads 1.1
2000 Transhumanisme and the wisdom of old genes Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies 1 401–417.pdf
734 downloads 1.1
2008 Advise of the wise; Introduction to the special issue on advice for a happy life. Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies Vol. 9 Pp 331-340.pdf
709 downloads 1.1
2009 Dirty mind; a joy for psychologists Ad Bergsma PsycCritiques. 54 40.pdf
634 downloads 1.1
2008 Do self-help books help Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies 9 341-360.pdf
766 downloads 1.1
2011 Do they know what they are talking about Bergsma Veenhoven Ten Have and De Graaf Journal of Happiness Studies 12(5) 793-806.pdf
634 downloads 1.1
2008 Arthur’s advice; Comparing Arthur Schopenhauer’s advice with contemporary research Schalkx and Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies 9 379-395.pdf
935 downloads 1.1
2006 Situational happiness. Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies 7 126-128..pdf
619 downloads 1.1
2008 Lost in data space. Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies Vol. 9 471-473.pdf
637 downloads 1.1
2009 Can movies enhance happiness Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies. 11(5) 655-657.pdf
627 downloads 1.1
2012 Selfreported wisdom and happiness Ad Bergsma and Monika Ardelt Journal of Happiness Studies 13(3) 481-499.pdf
708 downloads 1.1
2008 The advice of the wise afterthoughts about reality checking Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies 9 445-448.pdf
681 downloads 1.1
2010 The state of the art in happiness advice. Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies. 11(5) 649-654.pdf
649 downloads 1.1
2014 The mythical myths of happiness Ad Bergsma Journal of Happiness Studies 16(6) 1635-1637.pdf
591 downloads 1.1
2011 Happy life expectancy associated with various mental disorders Bergsma Veenhoven Ten Have and De Graaf Netherlands Journal of Psychology 66(1) 33-34.pdf
601 downloads 1.1
2019 User-participatory development of FindMyApps. Digital Health.pdf
808 downloads 1.1
2017 Selecting apps for people with mild dementia. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering 4..pdf
755 downloads 1.1
2016. Study protocol using tablets to enhance meaningful activities for people with dementia International Psychogeriatrics.pdf
581 downloads 1.1
2020 Randomized controlled feasibility study of FindMyApps Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology.pdf
475 downloads 1.1